Monday, January 19, 2015

TOW #16: IRB

The second part of the book  They Poured Fire on Us From The Sky discusses their escape to Kenya and search for a better life in the United States. It goes into the interview they had to go through in order to make it into the United States. I thought this part of the book was a complete nail-biting portion because they were so close to what they had hope for after suffering for 10 years. The book keys in on the readers emotions to get them to fully understand all the boys had to go through and how heart wrenching their journey was. The whole book had automatic ethos due to the fact that it was the actual people and based off a Sudan Civil War. The insight into the issue allowed for readership understand the struggle they had to endure in order to achieve a better lifestyle. The imagery the book produces for the reader makes the book better as a whole. It really makes one feel as though they are experiencing the pain and can understand what the boys had to go through. Overall I thought this book was an inspirational, emotional one that kept me on the edge of my seat. 

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