Sunday, February 1, 2015

TOW #17: Super Bowl

          In a recent article on the Fiscal Times done about the Super Bowl this year, many gathered statistics relating to the aspects that accompany the game itself. The article claimed that around 1.4 million chicken wings are consumed on Super Bowl Sunday. Along with that it shows the information that wings are the most common food eaten on Super Bowl Sunday, accompanied by chips, dips and other common appetizers. The article also reported about the advertisements that are what many look forward to during the breaks of the game. A general 30-second spot commercial airing during the Super Bowl costs on average 4.5 million dollars. Many companies have spent much more every year just to get more complex advertisements out to the public during the Super Bowl. On top of all of that, and the reason for so many companies push to advertise during this game is because a project 171 million to 184 million people are expected to watch the Super Bowl this year. This article was very effective in demonstrating how large the entertainment value of the Super Bowl is, and how it is steadily increasing. The article builds ethos based on its news based site and analyzers to create the statistics used. With the large amount of statistics found in the article, it also builds the logos present throughout. The article also allowed viewers to put into perspective on how large the Super Bowl is, even beyond the actual game itself. I enjoyed this article because it game an insight into how much actually goes into the Super Bowl and how many other corporations and businesses make money off this event.

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