Monday, January 19, 2015

Tow #15: Facebook

In an article on The Onion, a new "notification" for Facebook was discussed. The new notification 
would include alerting users that they have not been viewing Facebook recently or at that exact moment. The article states that Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO claimed, "We hope these helpful new alerts will improve our users." This article is a way to satirically show that people are obsessed with technology and that although we are already absorbed in it, companies are pushing harder to get their user rates up. The article ends with the claim that, "Zuckerberg went on to say that notifications informing users when they are currently looking at Facebook will be introduced by the end of the year." This is a direct attempt to make fun of the notifications that Facebook is sending out now and to explain how ridiculous they are. The article utilizes satire and over exaggeration to show how technology is hitting a new point of ridiculousness and that our lives are based around it. Also to explain the insane motive behind the notifications and steps social media companies take to get the users attention. The approach was effective in helping viewers understand the extremes social media takes to creep into every second of our time. 

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