During the Super Bowl, a commercial aired that was aimed toward feminism. The commercial was based on an interview of a boys perspective of how to do activities "like a girl" and a boys perspective. The first perspective displayed all negative, stereotypically interpretations of how to do certain activities "like a girl." While the second demonstrated strength, speed, and pride in the activities. This commercial was created to show how the portrayal of women need to be changed because it is diminishing the girls themselves. It displays how girls are capable of the same achievements and strengths that boys are and should not be penalized because they are girls. The commercial also gave notice to how many younger girls are disregarding the stereotype and taking pride in who hey are and what they can do. The commercial appeals to a large audience because it is aimed toward the feminism movement, which all women take a part in, which ever way possible. It also sent a positive message to the public about completely changing the connotation of what it is like to be a girl. I definitely enjoyed this commerical because I thought it was perfectly portrayed and got the message it wanted to across. It also opened the doors to many advertising campaigns that will contribute to the feminism movement. This commerical gave a message that will stick with people and truly make a difference.
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