Sunday, October 19, 2014

TOW #7: Zombie Smoker

           This ad caught my eye because it creates a comparison of a person who smokes and a zombie. It portrays the repercussions of smoking and how it can affect a persons appearance. The ad uses boxes to emphasize all the defects that smoking may cause in ones face, all of which are particularly bad. The comparison of the rest of the girls skin and body, juxtaposes the harsh features presented by the effects of smoking. The creator of this ad also uses the orange color and "warning" banner to underline the idea that this is generally a negative concept. It presents a short informative sentence about cigarettes in white so that it stands out in contrast to the orange background. It also puts emphasis on the idea that "When you smoke it shows," which for some people, regardless of how much they enjoy smoking, is not ideal. The ad then continues to provide a simple number and website to visit to provide more information on how to stop smoking. This allows the viewer to see the initial ad, and continue to get more information based on what they see.
          This ad applies to ethos and pathos because the evident effects of cigarettes is shown through the picture and text, while they also appeal to the viewers emotions by providing the hideous outcomes. When a person looks at this it would definitely create a moment of hesitation when picking up their next cigarette. The use of the website and phone number also provides a outlet for the viewers to turn to to generate more information regarding the topic, ultimately establishing ethos. The creator of the ad is trying to generate a feeling of repulse toward cigarettes, so that people will make an effort to quit, both for their appearance and health. This ad is successful due to the use of juxtaposition and appeals to both ethos and pathos. The message is clearly stated and the tone of the advertisement is well transpired.

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