Sunday, September 21, 2014

TOW #3: Gun Sense


     This advertisement is from an organization called Moms Demand Action. This organization is a group started by Shannon Watts, directly following the shootings at Sandy Hook elementary school. Moms Demand Action fights gun sense laws in America, with a strong emphasis on the safety of children. This advertisement is one of many depicting a little girl with ice-cream and a man with a firearm in a grocery store with the name of Krogers, one of the biggest grocery store chains in America. The difference is, the little girls ice-cream is prohibited in the store, while the giant firearm the man is holding, is not.
    The advertisements produced by Moms Demand Action, including this one, strongly appeal to pathos. The innocent little girl would be kicked out because there is no outside food allowed, but the firearm that is putting the little girl in danger, would be completely allowed. The juxtaposition of the two completely different characters adds value to the issue this organization is trying to fight. This campaign also portrays ethos and logos because at the bottom, a rule at Krogers is addressed to support the organizations position on gun sense. This shows the viewers that this organization knows what they are fighting and believe in the safety of children and other in America.
   The audience of this campaign are the parents, who don't feel safe with open firearms being allowed in public facilities where their children can also be. The picture touches the viewers emotions by the idea that their child could be in a similar position. Also, the advertisement serves to show other businesses how this absurd rule can effect how people feel about using their services. This organization has reached out and done campaigns against other public organizations with similar gun usage rules such as Panera and Target. It stresses that the gun sense laws are immoral and create animosity between the company and consumer or customer. This campaigns gives a final message that families should be able to get their groceries without feelings fear rushing through them when seeing other shoppers carrying large firearms.

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